When Crisis Becomes Opportunity

In 2012, I was in a serious car accident. 

Just the weekend before, I had completed my first meditation retreat, after landing my dream internship for the upcoming and final year of my doctoral training. I was also 6 months newly married to my best friend with a bustling social life and devoted yoga practice. 

I felt at the height of my career and life. 

And in 3 seconds…everything changed. 

I can look back now, ten years later, and see how the universe was simply course-correcting, but in the months and years that followed it, at times, felt like inescapable hell. 

My intellect was dulled by a concussion, my emotions a wreck. I couldn’t walk, let alone practice yoga or dance. Everything that I defined myself by was gone. 

I was lost

One day, early on in my recovery, I came across a link to free online Kripalu yoga classes. Kripalu yoga - unlike the classes I normally took which were aimed at the goal of perfection - is structured intentionally to soothe the body, soul, and especially the judging nature of the mind

I took a “gentle” class and realized that through yoga (and ultimately all healing modalities), I could approach myself with gentleness and compassion

My broken head and body were no longer “problems” to solve, but instead hurting aspects of me that needed my love and light. Perfectionism and “working through it” we're not going to work this time around. 

And so this chance link, after an event that upended my life as I knew it, set me on the path of a ten year journey to clarify what healing really looks like to me and how I can truly show up as a healer. 

And good news! You don’t need to get into a car accident to become the healer you want to be. It is my mission now to empower all clinicians, like you, to give yourself permission to show up in the world exactly as your soul wants.  

Let’s start together, today. Book your free 20 -minute call and give yourself the permission to explore how you really want to show up in this lifetime. 

You don’t need a crisis to upend your life. 

You can simply choose. 

Love and light ~



A Simple Energy Clearing Exercise


Mindfulness + Intuition