Find your Rhythm

I often hear my clients say that they need more “structure” and “routine” in their lives.

But, our body and soul crave "rhythm."

We are of nature, after all.

The ebb and flow of tides.

The change of seasons.

The phases of the moon.

Soft, gentle, unfolding.

If we look inside ourselves, to the natural rise and fall of our breath, we can be guided by a whole new way of walking through the world.

In-breath… interacting with family, getting ready for the day.

Out-breath… listening to a meditation on the way to work to connect in with ourselves.

In-breath… engaging with colleagues and clients at work.

Out-breath… going for a walk on our own while being absorbed by nature.

Each phase of in-breath, we choose to intentionally give our energy outward, taking in new information, engaging in conversation, building toward a goal, learning.

Each phase of out-breath is a time of integration, softening, letting go, creative flow. It is a time to reconnect with ourselves and honor our needs.

When clients come to me, they are typically running solely on in-breath. Doing, going, producing, moving from one meeting/ask to the next without a breath. Our culture awards achievement and productivity. A full work and social calendar might feel like a sense of worth. Hours worked per week, a badge of honor.

So, understandably, their minds are pulling for more structure as they unconsciously recognize that they are on the path to burn-out.


Where can you find more out-breath in your day? Perhaps…

- Start your day with gentle stretching or meditation before grabbing your phone and checking your email.
- Drive to work in silence for even a few minutes, taking in the sky and the trees.
- Reserve 10 minutes at the top of the hour to pause and check in with your body and attend to your basic needs.
- Walk just a little more slowly.

Aligning to the natural rhythm of life can be as gentle as the tides, as soft as the waning moon, as effortless as breathing.

And you can choose at any moment to fall back in ✨

And of course, I am here to help


With so much love, 



Let Go of What No Longer Serves You


When You Feel Selfish